Mindfulness at home: the hardest place? February 10, 2021 News Perhaps mindfulness is hardest in the home.Home is where deep-rooted patterns of behaviour have established themselves, andwhere our reactions are habitual, automatic and often emotionally-charged.Bringing mindfulness into our home life is both challenging andrefreshing.We begin to notice what we are feeling, moment by moment, and the everydayoccurrences and exchanges that cause us to behave in a certain way.Even as we notice these things, we place a holy pause in proceedings before ourhabitual reactions kick in.One helpful act of mindfulness at home is to pause at the door of your home before entering.We stop, breathe…pause.Whatever we have come from, and whatever we face now, we become a clear spacefor a moment, before turning the key…and then we take your mindful selves inside.There is now the possibility that we might respond rather than react……because the present has no history. For more tips on mindfulness you may like to read: One Minute Mindfulness. Who We Are What We Do Contact Us