No holidays for a while? How about a self-compassion break? February 12, 2018 News You may not be able to get away at present, with holidays a few months away. But while waiting, you could give yourself a ‘self-compassion break’. It’s something you can do any time you start to feel overwhelmed by pain or stress. It has three simple steps. Step One: Be Mindful: Without judgment or over-thinking, notice what you’re feeling. Say, ‘This is a moment of suffering’ or ‘This hurts’ or ‘This is stress.’ It’s good to name it. Step Two: Remember you’re not alone Everyone experiences deep and wounding human emotions; this is normal. It’s being human. So don’t feel isolated; reach out to others. Say to yourself, ‘Suffering is a part of all of our lives’ or ‘We all struggle at some point in our lives.’ Step Three: Be kind to yourself Put your hands on your heart and say something like ‘May I give myself compassion in this moment’ or ‘May I accept myself as I am’ or ‘May I be patient.’ If this seems difficult, think how you’d treat a friend in a similar situation. What tone would you use? Would you be kinder to them than yourself? Often, this comparison reveals some surprising differences and leads to valuable reflections: Why am I so harsh on myself? And how would things be if I weren’t?