Starting Something New

What Holds You Back?

We sometimes fear starting something new; setting out on a fresh adventure.

The landscape beyond what we know looks daunting; a lonely journey to some distant and uncertain point.

It is as if all security lies with what is, with what we know; even if what we know has ceased to feel right, and perhaps even a cage.

But once you set out, something else occurs.

Once the decision is taken; once you set your heart on a fresh direction and begin to walk, you do find help along the way.

You don’t look too far ahead; you don’t need to.

Instead, you keep your eye on the day in front of you and discover both shelter and energy as you travel.

The destination is not yet clear, but you find a new rhythm to life, the risk becomes easier; the grip of the past loosened.

You begin to trust this opening and the world that awaits you.