Good grief? How do you cope with loss? April 10, 2018 When we speak of grief, it’s often linked with the death of someone we love. And this is a very particular and difficult grief. But there are many other forms… read more »
Me and my suffering. Is there anything I can do? March 19, 2018 My suffering, which clouds my mood, is my unsatisfactory experience of clinging to things that will one day cease to exist… whether a desire, a feeling or a person. I… read more »
Earth, wind and fire. Can they help our mental health? March 5, 2018 Do you ever get trapped inside your head? It’s a source of much unnecessary suffering. Our mental world is always going to be an anxious, negative space; and it can… read more »
Love or loathe? Is this the only choice? February 27, 2018 Jennifer Lawrence, the American actress, used to be really popular on social media. Now suddenly she’s really unpopular. She’s still the same person she always was, but the pendulum has… read more »
Who are you? How would you answer the question? February 21, 2018 When someone says ‘Who are you?’ what do you say? Do you give your name and address? Do you say something clever like ‘I’m a collection of molecules worth around… read more »
No holidays for a while? How about a self-compassion break? February 12, 2018 You may not be able to get away at present, with holidays a few months away. But while waiting, you could give yourself a ‘self-compassion break’. It’s something you can… read more »
The write answer. What can I do with a difficult experience? January 29, 2018 When something difficult happens to us, we often relive the experience over and over in our heads, re-hashing the pain…and the blame. We ruminate…an endless spinning of our cognitive wheels,… read more »
‘Universal unhappiness, Mr Bond?’ Is this 007’s most terrifying challenge? January 22, 2018 Imagine one of those early Bond villains with a cat on his lap – we’ll call him Apocalypse – explaining how he will get his sick revenge on the world…. read more »
It’s curtains for me! And it’s never felt better. January 19, 2018 You find me considering my curtains and you can join me if you wish. They hang on either side of my window, like yours. I can’t remember how long I’ve… read more »
Imagine a door Important. New Year message awaits you. January 8, 2018 Imagine a door. And when you have done this, imagine yourself opening the door. It may be that you have to unlock it first, but perhaps it just swings open…. read more »