Whodunnit?.What a murder mystery says about you July 23, 2018 A friend of mine likes reading murder mysteries. But to enjoy them, he must first find out who the murderer is. Once he knows, he can then go back and… read more »
The big night sky. What can we learn from the stars? July 5, 2018 The normal observation when gazing up at the big night sky is something like this: ‘Aren’t the stars fantastic tonight!’ But, as with most normal observations, we’re missing the point…. read more »
The Garden of Sadness. Have you ever been there? June 25, 2018 The Garden of Sadness is not a place anyone wants to go. We’d always prefer to be happy than sad, and so we try and avoid it. We choose another… read more »
Teenagers. Why they are as they are. June 15, 2018 Teenagers don’t tend to get a good press – whether its sulks, moodiness, excessive risk-taking, bad decision-making or sleeping late. ‘What’s happened to my sweet child?!’ parents ask. But Professor… read more »
You’ll never walk alone? Do read the small print. June 8, 2018 You’ll never walk alone is a powerful song to hear sung by Liverpool supporters at Anfield. There’s a great sense of solidarity to it. It must be the best club… read more »
Men and their despair. What do the suicide figures teach us? May 22, 2018 Twelve men will kill themselves today, as twelve do every day, in England and Wales. It is a terrible sentence to write. And words cannot describe the confusion, anger, grief… read more »
‘Concentrate!’ we’re told. But is this always wise? May 18, 2018 Concentration was always celebrated at school…and encouraged. ‘Concentrate, Parke!’ And concentration, or focus, is good for getting things done. As Alexandra Horowitz writes: ‘It eases our cognitive overload by allowing… read more »
Under the bonnet. Can we learn to repair ourselves? May 10, 2018 Some people drive a car with no idea how it works. This is OK while the car is performing, but when it breaks down, there’s a problem, which may leave… read more »
Amber Rudd. What can she teach us? May 5, 2018 Amber Rudd recently resigned as Home Secretary. She feels she ‘inadvertently misled’ Parliament over immigrant deportation targets. There had been huge pressure on her in the preceding week. Many feel… read more »
Do you support a football team? The reason why it’s a health risk. April 24, 2018 Supporting a football team can damage your health. This is the finding of a recent study, which has discovered that people suffer from losing a game for a lot longer… read more »